Function of Plug Cock valve, Safety valve, Steam Trap, Pressure Relief Valve, Check Valveglobe vs gate valve

gate valve 1 1/2

1 1 4 gate valve

gate valve stem

plug valve vs gate valve

Table of Contents

  • 1. Plug Cock Valve
    • Plug Cock Valve Function
  • 2. Safety valve
    • Safety Valve Function
  • 3. Steam trap
    • Steam Trap Function
  • 4. Pressure relief valve
    • Pressure Relief Valve Function
  • 5. Check Valve
    • Check Valve Function

1. Plug Cock Valve

Cock valves, also known as plug valves, stop cocks, or quarter-turn valves, are devices that allow the user to restrict or permit flow through a pipe from an external point. Their use can be dated all the way into antiquity, and they are one of the simplest means of controlling fluid flow.

It refers to a kind of valve whose closing parts are plunger-shaped rotary valves. The opening or closing of the valve can be realized by 90-degree rotation to make the opening on the valve plug and the opening on the valve body open or separate. The shape of the valve plug can be cylindrical or conical. Its principle is basically similar to that of ball valves. Ball valves are developed on the basis of cock valves. They are mainly used in oil field exploitation and the petrochemical industry.

Plug Cock Valve Function

Cock valves are flexible, elegant components that are widely used in most industries. They provide great on-off control, throttling, and flow diversion, and can be rated for both low- and high-pressure applications. It is impossible to name every application of cock valves, but the below list should give you an idea of their most important uses.

Some notable applications of china gas cock plug cock valves include:

  • Gas and fuel applications
  • Water systems (plumbing, wastewater, etc.)
  • High temperature flows/boiler feed water
  • Low-pressure steam applications
  • Corrosive chemical applications
  • Petroleum pipelines
  • Power plant applications

2. Safety valve

It is used as an overpressure protection device in pressure vessels, equipment, or pipeline. When the pressure in the equipment, container, or pipeline rises above the allowable value, the valve opens automatically and then discharges in full to prevent the equipment, container, or pipeline, and pressure from rising further. When the pressure drops to the specified value, the valve should be automatically closed in time to protect the safe operation of the equipment, container, or pipeline.

Safety Valve Function

The primary purpose of a safety valve is the protection of life, property, and the environment. A safety valve is designed to open and relieve excess pressure from vessels or equipment and to reclose and prevent the further release of fluid after normal conditions have been restored.

3. Steam trap

In the medium of transporting steam and compressed air, some condensate water will form. In order to ensure the efficiency and safe operation of the device, these useless and harmful media should be discharged in time to ensure the consumption and use of the device. It has the following functions: 1) it can quickly remove the condensate water produced; 2) prevent the leakage of steam; 3) it can remove air and other non-condensable gases.

Steam Trap Function

The duty of a steam trap is to discharge condensate, air, and other incondensable gases from a steam system while not permitting the escape of live steam.

4. Pressure relief valve

By adjusting, the import pressure is reduced to a certain required outlet pressure, and the outlet pressure is automatically stabilized by relying on the energy of the medium itself.

Pressure Relief Valve Function

A pressure relief valve is typically installed on a tee off the main supply pipeline. Pressure release valves are designed to open and discharge excessive pressure above the valve set point, either to atmosphere the pressure or pipe it away to a different location.

5. Check Valve

Also known as countercurrent valve, check valve, back pressure valve, and one-way valve. These valves are automatically opened and closed by the force generated by the flow of the medium itself in the pipeline and belong to an automatic valve. Check valves are used in pipeline systems. Their main functions are to prevent medium backflow, reverse pump and drive motor, and release the container medium. Check valves can also be used to supply pipelines for auxiliary systems where the pressure may rise to more than the system pressure. They can be divided into swing type (rotating according to the center of gravity) and lifting type (moving along the axis).

Check Valve Function

Check valves are generally installed in pipelines to prevent backflow. A check valve is basically a one-way valve, in which the flow can run freely one way, but if the flow turns the valve will close to protect the piping, other valves, pumps, etc.

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